Marc Stier

Democrat for State Representative

Working Together to Build Strong Communities

Serving our Communities

Connecting with the District

That kind of connection to the district is vital for a State Representative. For we need a State Representative who will be a part of the community in every way. Our State Representative should have a strong voice, close relationships people in politics, non-profits, and business, and an effective staff. (Click here to see how the incumbent fails in this respect.)  We need a Representative who will take the lead in recognizing problems and finding solutions to them. That does not just mean directing state resources to our community, although that is a very important task of the State Representative. It means working with civic groups and the private sector to bring new businesses, schools, medical centers, and housing into the district. It means fighting those developments when they will harm the community. It means helping to resolve disputes within the community. And it means working cooperatively with everyone—other elected officials and community and civic associations.

I know how to the work of a State Representative well because I am doing it now as the volunteer President of West Mt. Airy and as the leader of the Northwest Campaign for Public Transportation. (Click here to see some of my accomplishments.) As your State Representative I would have the opportunity to serve the entire Northwest. I would have the standing to fight harder for our communities. And I would be in a position to bring our fair share of state resources into our district.

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